Thursday, September 6, 2007

Bpeace and Regis are finding beauty all over town

Russell and Kevin hit the town visiting all the salons todays in preparation for the 4 upcoming days of staff salon training. Both were impressed with the foundation the salons had established. It was both amusing and reaffirming to watch the Rwandan and American stylists find common ground, once again that which makes us alike is so much greater than the difference: a girl's vanity, the need for pampering, or the busy mother's need for speed . . .and a man's bemusement at it all. Indeed the search for beauty crosses oceans and cultures. Tomorrow the learning begins.

But for today, Barb, Susan and Richard led more meetings to discuss the potential of developing an Associate-led Beauty School meeting with Chris Page the founder Cards from Africa, the maker of exquisite handcrafted cards. They followed up with on the local political scene with the Vice Mayor of Kigali, Dieudonne Rumaragishyika.

Meanwhile Steve was let loose on Kigali solo (well chaperoned by Susan, our Rwandan translator and Bpeace partner) to continue his one on one work with the associates resulting in new customer service strategies and staff action plans. While visiting Constance's store he picked up some beautiful Batik shirts.

Despite half his luggage remaining lost in South Africa, Peter has managed to still come "packing" photo equipment but no clothes. Inspired by Steve he made an emergency run to Constance's shop today for some new shirts . . .Kate joined (of course) and snapped up nicely woven baskets and was overwhelmed with Constance's retail evolution over the past two years. "Wow. A bigger, well merchandised shop filled with good quality crafts with lots to purchase. Susan our Rwandan translator purchased a necklace while we bought baskets and shirts --- a perfect retail storm for locals and tourists".


Unknown said...

Sounds like you all are having quite an adventure, and as usual doing great work! Keep it up.

Kate, Rwanda-appropriate mission clothes seem a lot less complicated than Afghanistan-appropriate attire. Must be nice not to have to worry about the headscarf et al while working on a mission...

Thanks for all that all of you are doing.


jay lassiter said...

i hope peter picks up some cool african fashions for his homeboys back in Philly!!!

Anonymous said...

I never comment on blogs, but this one is awesome! Thanks. haircuts for women