It all takes my breath away. You guys are doing a great job. I love reading the blog and seeing the pictures. It almost feels as if I am there. The work you are doing on this trip is going to have a tremendous impact on Rwanda and the associates. Sorry to hear about the missing belongings, but at least one of the associates was able to benefit from it. Cant wait to hear about the salon training.
Bpeace (The Business Council for Peace) is a non-profit international network of business professionals who volunteer to help women entrepreneurs in post-conflict regions expand their businesses, create employment and build a more peaceful future for their communities. More jobs mean less violence.
Kate Buggeln, retail industry veteran serving on the boards of Dress Barn, Circles Inc. and Noble Biomaterials Inc. Russell Brown, Senior Artistic Director with the international salon company Regis Corporation.
Barbara Bylenga, founder and President of Outlaw Consulting, a San Francisco market research firm specializing in trendsetters.
Susan Ilyin, Bpeace Program Manager.
Kevin Kirven, Regional Trainer with the international salon company Regis Corporation.
Stephen Kulovits, customer service expert and healthcare industry executive with the Montefiore Medical Center.
Peter Lien, award winning commercial photographer and long time recorder of Rwanda's story.
Denise Ward, food and beverage professional, who will be in Butare for a month to work with Symphrose as a Bpeace "traveling mentor."
Hey Steve,
The salon looks nice. I could use a haircut...How much? Good luck during the rest of your trip!
It all takes my breath away. You guys are doing a great job. I love reading the blog and seeing the pictures. It almost feels as if I am there. The work you are doing on this trip is going to have a tremendous impact on Rwanda and the associates.
Sorry to hear about the missing belongings, but at least one of the associates was able to benefit from it. Cant wait to hear about the salon training.
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